crossorigin='anonymous' src=''/> Nicorandil Tablet: Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Overdose, Dosage, Warnings and FAQs - medicorepk

Nicorandil Tablet: Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Overdose, Dosage, Warnings and FAQs - medicorepk

Nicorandil Tablet: Uses, Side Effects, Precautions, Overdose, Dosage, Warnings and FAQs

Nicorandil is a medication often prescribed for the treatment of angina, a condition characterized by chest pain or discomfort due to reduced blood flow to the heart muscle. This article provides comprehensive information about Nicorandil tablets, including their uses, potential side effects, precautions, overdose symptoms, recommended dosage, and important warnings.


Nicorandil works as a vasodilator, which means it widens blood vessels, allowing blood to flow more easily. This increased blood flow helps relieve chest pain and discomfort associated with angina by ensuring that the heart muscle receives an adequate supply of oxygen and nutrients.

Side Effects

While Nicorandil is generally well-tolerated, it can cause certain side effects. Common side effects may include headaches, dizziness, flushing, and nausea. Some individuals may experience more serious side effects, such as low blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, and allergic reactions. If you experience any unusual or severe side effects, it's important to consult your healthcare provider.


Before taking Nicorandil tablets, inform your healthcare provider about any pre-existing medical conditions, allergies, or medications you are currently taking. This will help determine whether Nicorandil is safe for you. People with a history of low blood pressure, heart problems, kidney or liver issues, or those taking medications that lower blood pressure should exercise caution when using Nicorandil.


The dosage of Nicorandil may vary based on individual needs and the severity of the condition. It is crucial to follow your healthcare provider's recommendations regarding dosage. Typically, Nicorandil is taken orally, with or without food. The tablets should be swallowed whole, not crushed or chewed. It's important not to exceed the prescribed dosage.


An overdose of Nicorandil can lead to serious complications. Overdose symptoms may include severe dizziness, fainting, excessive sweating, and difficulty breathing. If you suspect an overdose, seek medical attention immediately or contact a poison control center.


Nicorandil comes with several important warnings that should be taken seriously:

1. **Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure):** Nicorandil can cause a drop in blood pressure, leading to dizziness, fainting, and other related symptoms. It's important to stand up slowly from a sitting or lying position to minimize the risk of falling.

2. **Avoid Alcohol:** Alcohol consumption can worsen the side effects of Nicorandil, especially dizziness and low blood pressure. It's advisable to limit or avoid alcohol while taking this medication.

3. **Drug Interactions:** Nicorandil may interact with other medications, including those for erectile dysfunction and blood pressure regulation. Inform your healthcare provider about all the medications you are taking to prevent adverse interactions.

4. **Allergic Reactions:** Some individuals may experience allergic reactions to Nicorandil, such as skin rash, itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing. If you notice any of these symptoms, discontinue use and seek medical attention immediately.

5. **Pregnancy and Breastfeeding:** The safety of Nicorandil during pregnancy and breastfeeding has not been established. Consult your healthcare provider if you are pregnant, planning to become pregnant, or breastfeeding before using this medication.

In conclusion, Nicorandil tablets are primarily used to treat angina by increasing blood flow to the heart muscle. While it can be effective, it's essential to be aware of potential side effects, precautions, and warnings associated with its use. Always follow your healthcare provider's instructions, report any unusual symptoms promptly, and seek medical attention in case of an overdose or severe adverse reactions.


Ques: What is Nicorandil?

Ans: AnsNicorandil is a vasodilatory drug. It treats angina chest pain. This medication widens blood vessels thus increasing the blood and oxygen flow to the heart.

Ques: What are the uses of Nicorandil?

Ans: Ans Nicorandil is used for the control and treatment of Chest Pain.

Ques: What are the side effects of this Nicorandil?

Ans: On using Nicorandil you may experience side effects such as rapid or irregular heartbeat, swelling, darkening of urine, dizziness, headache, nausea, fatigue, a decrease in blood pressure.

Ques: How long do I need to use Nicorandil before I see improvement in my condition?

Ans: This medication is to be taken till the time you see an improvement in your health conditions.

Ques: At what frequency do I need to use Nicorandil?

Ans: This medication should be taken in the dosage as prescribed by the doctor.

Ques: Should I use Nicorandil empty stomach, before food or after food?

Ans: This medication should be taken after food in a prescribed dosage.

Ques: What are the instructions for the storage and disposal of Nicorandil?

Ans: This medication should be kept in a cool dry place and in its original packaging. Make sure this medication remains unreachable to children and pets.

Ques: How is this Nicorandil administered?

Ans: This medication is administered orally.

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